How To Add a Border to a Text Box in Canva

Are you trying to add a border to the text box in Canva? Learn how to do it with ease through multiple approaches below.
Add a Border to a Text Box in Canva

Adding a border to a text box in Canva can be useful if you aim to highlight and stand out the text within your design. If you’re trying to do the same, follow the approaches below to do it right away.

Add a Border to a Text Box using Frames

  1. Start by opening Canva on your browser and sign in with your credentials. Now open the presentation that you’re working on from the Recent designs. If you haven’t started with any, click on the Create a design button and choose a design.
Recent design
  1. Once the design is loaded, navigate to the Editor panel and click on Elements. Next, navigate to the search box, type Frames, and hit Enter. With the results displayed, click on See all to gain access to all frames.
See all - Frames
  1. Now, look for the frame that matches the text box and click on it to add it to the design.
Choose a frame
  1. Next, make adjustments to the border size of the frame and set the color that matches the background so it looks like a border to the text box.
Adding border to frame
  1. Once done making changes, drag the frame onto the text box. Next, adjust the dimensions according to the text box, and you’re done.
Changing color of the frame

Add a Border to a Text Box using Shapes

  1. Repeat Step 1 to open an existing design or create a new design. Once loaded, press R to add a rectangle to the design.
  2. Now, double-click on the rectangle to add text inside it. Once you have entered the text, select it and make changes to the font and text size. Also, change the color of the rectangle to match the background.
change color of rectangle
  1. Alternatively, you can make adjustments to the rectangle, like you have done with the frames, by adjusting the border size and changing the color of the rectangle. Next, drag the frame onto the text box and adjust the dimensions according to the text box.
Drag rectangle on to text box

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on adding a border to the text box in Canva!

The above approaches are arguably the easiest and most reliable approaches to adding a border to a text box. While we tried to recreate the same on other online design tools similar to Canva, we had to go through the same steps.

If you aren’t happy with the result generated on Canva, use text editors like Word to gain flexibility when adding borders around the text.

How To Make Vertical Text in Canva

How To Do Strikethrough in Canva

How To Wrap Text in Canva


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