User Posts: Pttrns

Learn all about the best folder sync software for Windows 10 and sync all your files across various devices!

Are you wondering why is your iPhone screen black? It might leave you puzzled and concerned. A black screen can be alarming, but rest assured, there are ...

Are you finding it difficult to change the font on Discord? Keep reading to find out how to change the font on the web and smartphone.

In the age of digital content creation, the accuracy of the colors displayed on your monitor is of utmost importance. Hence, it's important to know how to ...

Are you on Chrome web browser and are greeted with the "This Site Can't Be Reached" error while web browsing? Worry not! Keep reading to find out different ...

Do you want to read certain web pages for later but don't want to add them to the bookmarks? What if we say there is a dedicated feature for this on Chrome? ...

We provide an in-depth guide on how to extend the display to multiple monitors on a Window-operated system.

We breifly explain a few methods that users can use to change the font size on Outlook.

Today, the latest and high-end smartphones, especially the iPhone, has developed into a potent multitasking device that allows users to carry out multiple ...

We offer an in-depth guide on how to go full-screen on Windows using different shotcuts and methods.

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