How To Add Fonts to GIMP

Are you trying to add fonts to GIMP? Learn how to do it with ease through the detailed steps below.
Add Fonts to GIMP

GIMP offers multiple fonts to work with and the best part is you can use these without restrictions. However, if you don’t find the one that matches your requirements, use GIMP’s flexibility to add one.

In this guide, we will provide the best source to download fonts and add them to GIMP through the easy steps below.

Add Fonts to GIMP

  1. Start by opening the browser and navigating to Google Fonts. Next, look for the font that best matches your requirements. With a wide collection of fonts on offer, try using Filters to find the font of your liking.
Google Fonts
  1. After you find the font that fits your requirements, click on it to open its related options. Once loaded, navigate to the top right corner and click on the Download family button.
Download family
  1. With the font downloaded as ZIP, extract it to find the font file with the .ttf extension.
Extract font family
  1. Next, open GIMP and navigate to the Image Menu and click on Edit. Now, from the available options, click on Preferences.
Edit - Preferences
  1. By doing so, you’re displayed with the Preferences dialog. Now, navigate to the left pane and click on Fonts under Folders.
Fonts - Preferences
  1. After you’re displayed with several Font Folders, select the folder and open the file location in the File Manager. To do this, press the button pointed in the image below.
Open File location
  1. After the file location is open on File Manager, copy the font that was extracted earlier and paste it onto the selected location from GIMP.
Font added
  1. With the font added, get back to GIMP and navigate to the Image menu and click on Windows. Now, from the available options, click on Dockable Dialogs and then Fonts.
Font dialog box
  1. If you do it right, you will find the Fonts dialog box added to the left, and the font that was downloaded earlier is successfully added to GIMP.
Font successfully added
  1.  To use the font, add the text box and choose the downloaded font and you’re good to go.
Font used on GIMP

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on adding fonts to GIMP!

GIMP offers you the flexibility to work with adding fonts but it can be complex if you’re new to GIMP. Hence, use GIMP only if you want to add the text to the design or templates. Otherwise, use text editors like Microsoft Word.

How To Use Adobe Fonts in Canva

How To Make the Font Bigger on a PC?

How To Add a Font to Google Docs?


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